Pet Memorials


…..8ball loved to hide under the tree amongst the presents every Christmas.

I found 8ball in the woods by my work when he was just a couple of weeks old. Little did I know then that he would be my best friend for the next 14 years. He was always there to listen and keep me company when I needed a friend. His nickname was Number 7 because he looked like the number 7 image on the cat chart, a little chubby, but he lived a good life. He used to hide behind the plants on the patio and under the Christmas tree with the presents, and always brought a smile to our faces. He learned how to use the doggy door before the dogs did and could lay out in the backyard in the grass, gaze at the wildlife like a Lion in the jungle.
Unexpectedly we had to let him go in July of 2010, he was one of a kind. and he will not be forgotten. I miss him so much.
Goodbye 8ball.


Loved everyone human and furry and they loved her! Sweet and fun that was Allie!



Our sweet girl Annie came to us as a stray almost ten years ago.  She was starving and almost dead from EGC and other health conditions, but after finally trusting me enough to let me pet her, she jumped in my arms, and she was a part of our family ever since.  Annie didn’t care too much for the other cats we had adopted, but she absolutely loved people and truly felt she WAS people – her favorite place was on the couch next to us, getting pets while we were watching tv or reading.  She was always right in the middle of whatever family or social activity we were doing, and would come out to greet visitors like the lady of the house that she was.  Until we see you again, we will miss you, Annie…RIP.


I lost my best friend on September 14, 2016 when Annie died in my arms at the Cypress Falls Animal Hospital. She was suffering from congestive heart failure and she just decided it was her time to go.

Rest in peace Annie girl. I miss you terribly.


Thank you for being my Magic Kitty and for 17 years of wonderful companionship. I love and miss you.



You were such a baby! You are greatly missed.   You were so brave and fought hard during your illness. You crossed over the Rainbow Bridge and now Coco, Tara and Bridget will watch over you until I see you again. Your mom will always love you and never forget the joy you gave me during these 13.5 years.


In loving memory of our beautiful baby boy Bailey who left us after 14 amazing years together. Bailey was the most loving, sweet, handsome, and funny friend we have ever known, and we miss him dearly. He touched our lives in ways we never imagined and will forever remain in our hearts. We are grateful for the time we shared with him and will cherish those memories forever. Thank you Bailey for the unending love, loyalty and laughs you gave us and we pray that we made your life as wonderful as you did ours. We love you forever. 


The Chambers Family


Bayleigh Rae Prior

RIP: 12-3-16


Oh, Bebe, you were one of the best . For 14 years we were blessed to have you, love you and be loved by you. Everyone who got to know you loved you too. Your constant presence was comforting and your companionship meant the world to us. Our lives and vacations will never be the same. We loved you your whole life. We will miss you for the rest of ours. We were not ready to be without you. Forever would not have been long enough. We love you, Sweet Baby Bebe.


Bella was a rescue dog, with a lot of issues such as the name of Sophie, (which we changed to Bella ) Bella barely had any sight, dry eye, barely any hearing, constant ear problems, heartworms, skin problems and no one loved her, until she met me.

Bella wasn’t the prettiest, but she was the smartest and most loving.

We had her from January 2007 to November 10, 2011.  She loved being alive and never knew what it was like to be a healthy dog.  It always seemed like if a medical problem could happen to a dog, it happened to her.   For some reason she never seemed to catch a break in being healthy.  Bella accepted all the bad medical issues that came her way and still managed to find some way to be happy, playful and loving.

She would meet me at the door every afternoon, tell me when it was time to go to bed by being curled up on my side of the bed, stayed close to my side when I was home, followed me everywhere I went in the house and she enjoyed having a popsicle we me.  She really loved her popsicles!!   

She knew I was all she had, and I knew it too, so I gave her as much love and attention as possible, no one loved her more than I did.

She was the best dog, the most loving, the smartest, and I miss her dearly.

Bella I hope you can find 8ball, Millie and Shuggie by the bridge.

I am glad you came into my life, into my heart, but now I miss you so much!


In Loving Memory of our lil guy Benji Williams when you came into our lives 2-14-17 to 2-23-21




You were my favorite Hello, and my hardest Goodbye. You will be forever loved and always missed.


Good bye my Blue girl. Your smiling face and unconditional love is forever etched in my memory.


~In the morning of Feb 1, 2013 we had to say good-bye to you as you were too sick to continue a life here with us. We want you to know that we loved you very much since we found you back in June 2012. We miss you everyday, but we know you are very happy and illness free in kitty heaven. We want to thank you for bringing so much happiness into our family and for showing us pure unconditional love. We will never forget the silly little things you did, how you welcomed us home each afternoon after school/work, your companionship, and your kitty snuggles. We thank God for giving us the opportunity to have you with us even if it was just for a short time. Even though we are sad because we had to let you go you left us with such a sense of peace in our hearts and we now understand that we did the right thing for you. We will always remember you as you have left permanent paw prints on our hearts. -Mayra Cavazos



You came into our lives as a surprise and it was totally worth it. You done good, big guy. Keep smiling, Bougie. Say hi to Mushu and Mindy. Mushu will be happy to get to steal food from you again. We miss you and love you forever! 


08.2001 – 02.2014. He is gone but not forgotten.


Thank you for being you!  Thank you for filling our hearts with so much love, compassion, and joy.  

We are so sorry that we could not make you better, because, truly, you made us better. We are so blessed to have been loved by you, and being your parents has been such an honor!

We will forever miss you, but I know a piece of your spirit now resides in our hearts.  We are so happy that you are healthy and happy in puppy paradise.  I know we will both see you again one day, but until then, we will meet you in our dreams.

We love you so much! You will always be our little man and our sweet, baby boy❤️.



Caldwell Klintworth (2001-2010) was born in Caldwell, Texas, and came to live with us when he was six weeks old. He was our precious puppy/baby and was loved from day one. Caldwell liked to play ball and play in the water. He tried many times to drink from the water hose. Perhaps he was spoiled because he had his own kiddy swimming pool. If you mentioned the word leash he was ready for his daily walk. Caldwell met you at the door when you came home and was happy to see you and waited for his bone/treat. In 2009, he was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease, which is treatable. But then in February 2010, he developed other health problems. Our favorite Vets and their staff took such good care of him during this time. But then on February 11, 2010, we had to say goodbye to him.  We miss our baby and will always love him.  He was precious and an adorable dog.
                                                                                  -Jim and Janelle Klintworth, Houston, Texas


Cali was not your typical “wild” Jack Russell .  She was very smart, loving, protective and we will forever miss her as part of our family.

Cali V.

Our Cali (and her twin AGGIE) were my 40th birthday present to myself and a Christmas present to our 3 boys. We hadn’t had a cat in  many years so they were a great surprise to the kids.  Cali could catch a toy mouse in the air and bring it back to us. She loved to play fetch!  She was the first one to the door whenever we had visitors.  She and her sister moved to Saudi Arabia with us and then came back to Houston almost 4 years later to live out her life.  For her last year she lived with her “brother” Michael and his wife Stephanie who took such good care of her. We know in our hearts that 15 years is a long life for a cat but it was still hard to let her go. We are grateful for the love and support of CFAH.

Love, the Vezendy Family



Cesar loved to take naps, munch on his treats, and play with his favorite toys. Most of all he loved being the center of attention. We will miss him greatly and cannot wait to see him again. Thank you Cesar for being the best doggie, companion, and friend. We love you big boy.


Picture of Chloe my exceptional friend.
She walked on a leash with her thick striped tail straight in the air–always with great dignity. Opened doors using the doorknob, played patty cake with children, listen to people’s conversation as if she understood every word, and loved to lay on the patio chaise watching the birds between naps, but came inside immediately when I pecked on the window.
Always an exceptional companion and forever missed.


Coco I miss you. You were such a wonderful little dog. I enjoyed the 16 years I had with you. I will never forget you my sweet little girl. You crossed over the Rainbow Bridge to be with your sister Tara.  Your mom will always love you.


In loving memory of our sweet girl, Coco Bruner. You were a great sissy to Bailey, Pepper, Boots and JD. Even though Coco was in charge she always let Bailey think she was the boss.  She was an excellent swimmer and all around sports girl. She was a Daddy’s girl but also loved her Mommy too. Rest In Peace sweet girl.

Coco Lopez

Farewell little buddy! A little piece inside of us died the moment of your departure but even if you leave us very sad, you gave us more than we could ever asked for. We’ll see you again someday, meanwhile keep smiling wherever you are.


He may have been a brat at times, but whenever you needed him he was there!


Cooper was a very special dog with such a sweet, tender, shy soul and eyes
that could melt your heart.  He loved his walks…especially when it got a
little chilly.  We miss our little camping buddy.


We said goodbye to our ‘Big Beautiful Boy’ today. Cooper, aka Coopie, was 12 years old. The past few years he lost his hearing and shortly after, his sight. Even though he couldn’t see he made sure that each day he would continue to make his rounds and check that his yard was secure and nothing was out of place. Coopie also put himself in charge of farming our tomatoes. He was the first to taste test the newest crop and continued his inventory check the entire growing season. He would come in from his stroll smelling like tomato vines having the tell tale signs of green tomato dust all over his face.  We made sure he had plenty of ripe tomatoes in his food bowl these last few days.  When he was a puppy he was invited to a 3 year old’s birthday party….we weren’t….just Coopie. My father taught him how fun ice cubes can be when they drop to the floor from the ice maker. Cooper in turn taught Harley the wonders of ice and so she has passed the tradition on to Baxter.   Hug your fur babies a little tighter and love them like there’s no tomorrow because one day that tomorrow will come. We love you Coopie. You will always be our good boy!


Cosmo was a very cool, laid back Bulldog. Nothing bothered him and he loved everyone he met including other dogs & cats. He was our big boy and we will miss him laying in his bed with his tongue sticking out of his mouth, snoring away.  His favorite thing, (besides coming to the Vet), was sitting on the couch with Mom & Dad watching TV. He loved laying down with his head on the arm of the couch, chewing his chew-bone, and then falling asleep.  He was always a good boy and never was a bit of trouble. We will miss him looking up at us at supper-time with that beautiful blue eye. He was so handsome. We know he’s in heaven, happy, & snoring on a couch with his brothers & sister Winston, Spike, Dexter, & Daisy.  We’ll see you again big boy, and Mommy will give you all the yummies you can eat.  Love & miss you!!!  XOXOXO.


Cutey-Pie, or simply Cutey is my most precious baby out of all my three rescued cats. Cutey is not a pet to me, but a very important ‘part of me’ as I am to him. He nearly always waited on the windowsill for my return from work and greeted me promptly as I stepped into the doorway. He often grabbed my arm like a pillow at night when he would get ready to sleep. After securing his ‘pillow’ Cutey would always let out a sigh of serenity before resting his eyes. He loved to snuggle up against my legs or rest on my stomach (his waterbed) when I would sit down to watch TV. I named him Cutey because he was so cute when I first met him as a few weeks old kitten. Although he grew up, he still retained that cuteness of a kitten in his face and demeanor. Even though he is no longer with me, his presence will always be felt. I lost my oldest baby (cat) Sweety over three years ago to tissue cancer. I know that Sweety and Cutey will keep each other company until the day I join them, along with my last surviving kitty, Junior.


Daisy was a sweetheart; she was often comical; and she was a good companion; and she was my best friend. We went for many walks, read many books and watched many movies together. The original name for the Dachshund was Dachs Krieger which means Badger Warrior. Daisy truly was a warrior; fearless and ferocious in battle; and very protective of her home and family. After living with us for a week, she taught a Great Dane some manners. And several weeks later, she jumped a Raccoon and chased him out of her yard! She began her greatest battle on February 15th. Her foe was the Grim Reaper. Daisy was also a lady. And, as everyone knows, a well-dressed lady Dachshund wears a collar. Wearing the collar was important to Daisy. Every time I finished giving her a bath, she would stand by her collar and wait patiently for me to place it around her neck. And, if I took too long, she would bark at me as though to say, Hurry up! Her collar became soiled when her battle with the Reaper began. I purchased a new collar for her and looked forward to giving it to her when, hopefully, she returned home on the 18th. Daisy fought courageously for three days until she passed away in her sleep on the evening of the 17th. She did return home on the 18th, but it was a sad day because Daisy had returned home to be laid to rest. Daisy will be a properly dressed lady Dachshund when she enters Heaven and stands proudly before her Maker because I placed the new collar on her prior to the funeral.

Daisy A.

A ray of sunshine who always brought a smile to our faces. Thank you for loving us with all of your sweet little heart as we loved you with all of ours. We know we will see you again in Heaven, but until then we miss you more than words can say ❤️

DaisyLu and Romeo


Digger was a rescue. I got him at 8 weeks and had him for fifteen years.

He was always the sweet, calm little boy.

He will be missed by me and Pixee.


Our sweet Dodger was a loyal companion and playful family member for 18 years. He always made us happy with his energetic and funny personality. Losing him has left a void in our family, but we are faithful he is running and “dodging” around with his companion Joey, who passed before him. Rest sweet Dodger. You will always be in our hearts.


She was such a big part of our family and everyone’s favorite. For my daughters, this was the pet they grew up with. Her spunky personality brought lots of smiles and laughter. And her snuggles and love were always easily given. We miss her greatly. She will always be remembered in our hearts with love.


Our dear sweet Duchess, AKA Big D, always brought a smile to our faces. We

miss her more than words can describe. Our days aren’t the same without you

Duchess. Hugs and kisses until we meet again…



You were the best friend a human could ever have!

Thanks for choosing and loving us!

Head of security, loving companion, great bunk mate and awesome Junkyard dog!

God please take good care of my friend!

Until we meet again….




Else (racing name: AZ Roxy)

5/10/98-1/20/11~Else is a retired racing Greyhound that was adopted when she was 3 years old and returned to the Greyhound group when she was 10 years old due to no fault of her own. In the fall of 2008 my husband and I bought our house and we wanted to add a third Greyhound. We chose to adopt a senior because they are the most difficult to place into adoptive homes. Since we are volunteers with the local Greyhound group we got to meet some of the available seniors and we took our other 2 Greyhounds to meet the potential new hound too. Else immediately began socializing with our other 2 Greyhounds and they all seemed to get along great. I asked to see 1 more Greyhound before making our final decision on which hound to take home and Else came right up to me and licked my face as if she was saying Please take me home. I may be a senior with not too many more years left but I promise to love you, be your companion and show you how greytful I am during the years I have left. We took her home to foster her and we signed the adoption papers 2 weeks later. Else was only with us for just over 2 years but the love she gave our family was worth a lifetime. It is comforting to know Else spent her golden years loved, spoiled, pampered and surrounded by family and love just the way I hope to be when I am in my senior years. When the time is right and we are ready to adopt another dog we will certainly open our home up to another senior again. We love you and miss you our sweet Else. RUN LIKE THE WIND!!

-Geri, Brian and Noelle


In July of 2003, a vendor stopped by my desk with a cardboard box.  He opened the box lid to show me two kittens and said that he was on the way to the Houston SPCA to drop them off.  He found the kittens in the box under a pile of tires in a vacant lot where someone had left them to die.  I begged him to take them home and not take them to the SPCA,  He said his dogs would attack the kittens and kill them.  I took Elvira and her brother, Bass, home that evening with intentions of fostering them until I could find a permanent home for them.  Well, they never left and became part of our family.  Elvira was terrified the day I took her home….not a peep from her the whole ride home.  Little did we know she would become such a talker.  Our dogs took them  in and loved them as members of their pack.  Elvira always waited for me on the bathroom cabinet for me to come out of the shower and give her a bath with my wet hands.  This continued until the day she became ill and left us.  She was a lover.  Our pet sitters are in mourning with us because they became so attached to Elvira.  They called her ‘The Stalker’.  From the moment they walked in the door, she was on their heels telling them all about the days events.  We had to make the decision to not let her suffer on November 11, 2015.  I miss my little girl that would lay on my back and pull my hair at night.  She is missed by all of her family, including the dogs and cat who are still looking for her.  We love you, Elvira, and will see you soon when we cross that Rainbow Bridge.  I am sure Molly, Little Bit, and Bass were there to greet you.


Felecia Lemmons and Kathryn Hall


From 6 weeks to 12 years,  Emma was a gentle soul who loved me unconditionally. She was the pup who healed my heart and my constant companion. Always sweet, always kind and always ready to chase a ball.  She was a therapy dog without knowing it and sought out those who hurt, gently pressing her little body to their leg or foot and staying until their spirits lifted. She is irreplaceable. We will truly miss you sweet Emma girl. 

Sheerah, Mario & Juliette Flores



Our sweet boy Fudge was a true member of our family for 13 years and was always taken care of so kindly and professionally by the doctors and staff at Cy Falls AH. We miss him terribly, but will always have fond memories of him. Until we meet again, Fudgie Boy….


You where one special dog who came into Dachshund Rescue and where my first foster failure. We loved your sweet nature and how loving your where to all the fosters coming to our home. You will be missed so much sweet Gabe . Love you .


Ginger was born in New Orleans in November 1999. Ginger was a very lucky kitty as she traveled  the world with us. Her crate looks like a well traveled suitcase with all the stickers from all the airports and quarantines she had been through. Our oldest son, Mitch, who nicknamed her Booters, took care of her for months as he prepared for her global travels. First stop for Ginger was SE Asia where she endured one week of quarantine at the airport in Kuala Lumpur. After enjoying the sunshine of Malaysia for eight years, Ginger then moved with us to Scotland. UK restrictions use to be quite stringent which deemed her a 6 months stay in quarantine. Ginger’s holiday, as I choose to call it, was at a beautiful facility in the hills of Scotland. Visiting hours were strict so every Sunday, in the snow, we drove out to see her for her two hours in her kitty condo. It was important she heard our voices so instead of drumming up unimportant conversation, we carried a book with us and read to her. Once she was allowed to come home with us, we lived in an old church in Scotland, locally known as The Auld Kirk. After 12 years of traveling, we brought her back to the states ending up in Houston. She had been showing signs of aging and we needed a local vet. As luck would have it, we happened across Cypress Animal Hospital. How lucky! The staff are superb! Ginger was cared for with the utmost love and compassion. Ginger life was adventurous and her passing was peaceful. Thank you CFAH!


R.I.P sweet Ginger, we miss you so very much. Thank you for all the cuddles and memories, fly high sweet girl. 2-25-19



Some called Gino “Special,” some called him a “Grump,” others said that he just wanted us to know “how he really felt,” he was even deemed a “Legend!” All of these are true, but I loved him unconditionally! I drove from Houston to New Orleans to rescue him, but I have come to realize that in reality, he rescued me! His colorful personality will surely be missed! I Love you Gino! Until we meet again…


This picture was taken back when we went on a camping trip at Huntsville State Park. We were taking a long hike, and we didn’t think she was up for the whole hike, so we brought along a backpack, and she ended up riding along in the backpack on Lisa’s or my back.  She seemed happy and content as could be…especially when she got the treat she is clamped down on in this picture! We thought this picture just so caught her personality.  And it shows her heart shaped white face that came when she began aging.  She was ALL heart.  The most loving dog we have ever known.  We miss her so much.


Here is a photo of our beautiful boy- Harley. He was a joy for 10 years and now he is feeling good and waiting for us on the other side of the Bridge.


Harley will always reside in our hearts


Born Sept 13th 2011

Died Sept 06th 2019

Harley Jo

10/1/12 to 7/1/2022


She left us way to soon.  She constantly kept us entertained playing with our Great Dane Mac.


Sweet, quiet Jackie


Jake always thought he was the lucky one when we found him in a field with a broken hip, heart worms, and mange.  It turns out that we were the blessed ones to have him in our lives and hearts for 17 years!  What an awesome dog –Carole Stenberg


Joe Willy


– our loyal companion who we found on June 2008. My sister in law found him on the side of the highway of 59s. He was matted, dirty, and emaciated. We brought him home and gave him a good bath & haircut and out of nowhere this cute little guy appeared. We named him Joey and he became our first baby, before we had children. He loved the drive in movie theater, begged for food scraps, and loved to sleep on pillows. He was a great dog and became our childrens best friend. Joey left this earth March 18, 2019 just shortly after his best friend JJ of 11 years passed of cancer. Joey was loved and will always be remembered as the great dog he was.

Joey, (Jojo)

We rejoice knowing that you are whole again, and immensely happy!…we think of you like that..We are still together and we feel you around us every instant, as you also are inside our hearts…Thanks baby Jojo for all your love and light, we have learnt so much from you. We will see you again when the time comes. Wait for us!!! Forever yours…your loving soul-mates, James & Arturo



~ our best friend for 14 years.

A loyal, loving companion that cared for us much more than himself.

A special family member whose time in our heart will far outnumber his days on earth.

Rest In Peace. We miss you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


~My KC aka My Skinny Man Forever By My Side Forever In My Heart!!


My lovely little girl, miss you terribly, miss you standing up on the bed to rub your cheek against mine or cuddling next to me when I read. Hope you are frolicking in kitty heaven…

Killer Bee, aka Scout

~We had Killer Bee for eight wonderful years and there are so many funny and fond memories.  We hope she touched the hearts of the people she met while she was here.  Killer Bee was a very special part of our family.  We never have enough time with our furry four legged children.  The pain of missing her is heavy on or hearts, longing to hold her once again, kiss her little head, look into those loving eyes….and with faith some day that day will come…our hearts will be whole again, the pain will subside being replaced with joy and smiles….and we will cross the Rainbow Bridge together never to be parted again.

– Lewis and Wanda Cadwallader, and Angel Bear


~My dearest Kirby – how do I put into words what you have meant to me.

Someone told me recently that every once and awhile a pet owner has a pet that is more than just a pet, and even more than family member, but they are more like a soul mate. You were certainly this for me. You were such a Sweetheart!  I thank God for the 10 years that we’ve had together …I just wish we could have had 10 more!  We love you darling and we miss you dearly.

Love …Mommy, Daddy, Amber and Grandma


It’s with a very heavy broken heart that we say goodbye to our seven year old Koda Bud. We Rescued him when he was just a puppy from underneath a pick up truck. He finally got to move to the country where he had wide open spaces and many places for adventure. He was truly a country boy. He was the light of our lives and our best friend. He got killed last night,  and I like to say in the line of duty as his nickname was security and he was always protecting our property. He must’ve seen an unwanted critter and ran out on the country road and got hit by a car.  I don’t think my heart has ever hurt more. I thought I would post some pictures of our beautiful, Sweet, goofy Wonderful dog child. He has two other family members who have crossed the rainbow bridge So I’m glad he had someone waiting for him. Enjoy your new life mama’s boy!


Miss my Leo. Always and forever in my heart. 2008-2023


-December 21, 2006 started her life in a cage with a breeder. On 12/10/08, at 2 years, she fell into the South Texas Persian rescue.  I had just lost my Tabby Persian (she was 17) when I saw her beautiful green eyes on the rescue website.  It was Jan 31, 2009 and I asked my husband to drive to San Antonio to bring this shy little girl home.  He asked, Why her? I just knew she was the one.  It took her time, but soon our Great Dane and my Chinchilla Persian were the best of friends.  She hated thunder and would hide so I would hunt her down to hold her.  On October 5, 2009 Lia became very ill.  After blood work we found out she had kidney failure and lost one kidney.  I found out then how important she was to our family.  We all cared so much for her and gave our all to make her well.  Life did not give her a fair chance but the love she gave to us will be everlasting…. Died 2/18/10 We love you Lia, you were truly an Angel from Heaven. -Sandy Carpenter

Lil’ Bit

Our friendship started that day when Rocky and I were walking in the park February of 2015 and we stumbled upon you wandering around by yourself. We brought you home and posted signs thinking surely someone missed their little cutie patootie. Unknown to us, I guess we had secretly been chosen to be your new family.  You were the best little girl that anyone would want and had such a charming personality. You were the light of our lives and brought such joy to the household. It was so fun to watch your tug-o-wars (the Mighty 10 lb Lil’Bit vs the Black Bomb 40 lb Rocky) and as you usually ended up being the winner with the prize.  Although you were only 2 years old, your life ended much too soon with the diagnosis of GME but you gave us the best year of your life. As you lay beneath the tree, we hope that it gives you joy to still chase those pesky squirrels with Rocky. RIP Lil’Bit, we still miss you. 4.26.16



AKA Equinsu Ocha


We found LooC three years ago. For three years he brought nothing but happiness to our family. He will be missed so much. Love you buddy. We will see each other someday again.


Lucy was a surprise for us.  We were not planning on having 3 English Bulldogs, but once we saw Lucy’s sweet, funny face we could not resist her.  We are soooo glad she joined our family!  Since the moment she arrived, she was such a joy and could make you laugh in an instant.  She and her big sister Calli became best friends and she loved her big brother Cosmo too.  Lucy befriended a stray cat that we adopted, (Carson), and the two would sit in our kitchen holding hands and rubbing faces.  They would lie next to each other and go to sleep.  Lucy had the sweetest personality and was just a true, & loving soul.  We will always remember her “silliness” and what we came to call her signature stance, “The Lucy Slide”.  She loved to sit with one shoulder on the ground and look up at you.

As with Cosmo & Calli, Lucy just LOVED to go see everyone at CFAH.  They were her first family and loved her as much as she loved them.  We miss our baby girl so much.  I’m sure she and Cosmo are sitting on a couch somewhere up in heaven having the best time together.  Love you sweetheart!!!

From CFAH: Losing a young pet is never easy, but Lucy was especially hard for all who knew her.  She was a special love, who was surrendered to our clinic before she found her furever home. During Lucy’s short time with us, she lived a thousand lives and stole as many hearts with her sweet sass and charm.  We are so grateful for her wonderful family who gave her the best life she could possibly have had despite the ailments she battled. We are sure her angel wings are extra wide as she watches over all of us until we see her again.  We all miss you, sweet Lucy.



Maddie, you were my everything, and I am completely miserable without you. I miss your sweet face more than words can express. You taught me to love completely and unselfishly, you brought me joy every day, and I am incomplete without you. You stole my heart and will have it forever. I love you, baby girl. Thank you for being my perfect baby and for loving me. I will forever love you and will miss you every moment until I get to meet you in Heaven. 


Malibu, we really miss you every day. You will be loved and in our hearts forever.


~You were my best friend for over 17 years. You gave me companionship, loyalty and unconditional love. You made me laugh, even on days when I didn’t feel like laughing. I miss you every day.

McKenzie Douglass

~ We adopted McKenzie from the Westie & Scottie Rescue Houston in January 2010. She passed away June 25, 2013. McKenzie was a brave & loyal Scottie who loved chasing squirrels in her backyard. Our family would encourage anyone looking for a pet to check the local shelters or animal rescues.


~You will be missed, but always will remain in our hearts – Elaine Pryor


She put a song in our hearts for 16½ years

Mikey Tyson

It is with a heavy heart to say that my best gardening buddy in the world 

Mikey Tyson is gone.  Mikey was truly a genuine fighter in the game of life. He was a 16 year old pug mix that we adopted from a shelter when he was 9 months old. The story from the shelter was that he was in an apartment 

where a domestic dispute was taking place and when the police arrived he was being thrown against the wall. The drama devastated him so much the shelter was going to put him down as he was just too traumatized. A wonderful foster mom took him in and started weeks of rehabilitation. She named him Mikey but being the adventurous dog he was he would always climb chain link fences to escape so they renamed him Mikey Tyson. He loved popcorn and we taught him lots of tricks using that tasty snack. He survived all that was thrown at him but was not able to overcome his back pain. We will miss you Mikey, you were a great member of our family. May you be in pain no more as you cross that Rainbow Bridge. 12.15.18


This is my furry son Milo. He crossed the rainbow bridge on Nov. 15. He was a joyful, loving and brave dog. I will always love you my baby boy; fly high and wait for me on the other side of the rainbow.


His heart was just as big as he was and was always there for us.


Miss Muffet

Our Little Miss Muffet has left our tuffet, and we are beyond sad.  Thanks to all the wonderful, caring people at Cypress Falls Animal Hospital who have treated us and all of our critters like family for so many years.

They even have an in-house artiste, Picasso, who has delighted us with many a picture of Muffet and presented us with a final, very touching one.


May 25, 2006 to March 16, 2018

Monk, the last of the original three musketeers–Monk, Angel, and Sparkle–has been called home. I know his sisters were waiting to welcome him.  Monk was the sweetest boy and had such a joy for life.  He approached everything with such good-natured, happy-go-lucky goofiness that he earned the nickname “Monkey Man” because he reminded us all of some crazy college frat boy.  

Monkey Man, you are gone from my sight, but never from my heart.  You’ll always be my little dude.  

Morpheus “Bubs”

I was lucky to have such a wonderful best friend for nearly 13 years. Fate brought us together because we were meant for each other. Thank you for always being there for me. I will always love you.


Muffin -AKA Muffin Girl was my baby. Muffin came to our family when someone didn’t want their cats anymore . Muffin girl and her brother Henry came to us at 6 yrs and Muffin passed away at 18 yrs old on 7/14/17. Muffin was a little skittish when she met new people she did however like to sit with me everyday when I came home and she would sleep on my back . Muffin was a very sweet and loving cat and got along with all the foster dogs that we cared for . Muffin you will be missed by your four legged siblings Henry, Jake , Gabe  also Daniella and Andrea your Human siblings and most of all me , I will miss my night snuggles with you purring next to my head at night 



My dear friend Murphy of close to twenty years has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.  We had a heckuva run together for certain.  He was always there for me and I always looked forward to coming home to him because I knew he would be glad to see me and I was happy to see him.  He was a most unusual cat and that’s just one of the things that made him so special.  His expressions and his behavior were very unique.  We used to have dialogs together when I would say his name and he would answer me.  When I was on the phone people could hear him talking in the background and they would actually like to listen to us talk back and forth.  It was quite amusing.  RIP Murphy.  I miss you Mr. Murph!!


~My Nemo James~ I was your owner, But really, you owned me. Staring me down for food, How bossy you could be. Up at all hours of the nite, Tummy growling for a bite. But I always gave in, To you and your every whim. You were the happiest Lab one could ever meet. Despite your three legs, you had that beat. You brought so much love and joy, Into my life. Every day, such a delight. You had the kindness eyes , And the most gentle soul. Oh my sweet boy, my heart you stole. Goodbye for now, my Nemo James, My life is now forever changed. April 1, 2006 – June 23, 2013



5/14/10 – 10/30/23

Oliver was our very first family pet and boy was he a special and spoiled pup! He loved taking long and very slow walks through our neighborhood, sitting in our backyard watching the golfers, hanging his head out the window on car rides, and eating all his favorite foods; popcorn, green beans, bananas, and bread to name just a few. He taught us the true meaning of unconditional love throughout his 13 years of life and we miss him dearly. 

With so much love,

The Contreras Family


~To know Peanut was to love her….she never met a stranger, and never made an enemy. I always said Peanut was my soul mate of dogs, and she really was. She came into my life 6 months before my son was born. She helped me through pregnancy and taught me about child raising; she saw me through two graduations – undergraduate and vet school; she consoled me when I lost loved ones. She was akin to a stuffed animal….she would lay wherever you put her as long as she was being hugged. If you knew me, you knew Peanut. I believe she touched many lives with her unconditional love and her patience. We miss you, Peanut, and we all love you. Thank you for all you taught me. I’ll see you again at the Rainbow Bridge. – Heather Thomas, DVM


~On July 8, 2013, I said goodbye to a wonderful companion and best friend. I rescued Pebbles when she was 6 weeks old. Her owner was going to take her to the pound because she was the runt of the litter. I asked him if I could take her. He was happy to hand her over to me for free. I never thought she would make such an impact in my life. Pebbles was there for me when I was sad, lonely, down or just having a bad day. She would lick me to no end!!! When my son was born, she was a little jealous but after a while when he got older, she just had another person to love and take care of her. Pebbles traveled many places with us, for my husband was in the military. Everywhere we lived she had someone she made happy! So July 8 was a sad day for not only my family but many others she came across. Farwell my Pretty Eyes, one day we will see you again, but know that you are in our hearts forever. Love, Mom-Dad-Brandon-Peanut.

Pedro Ray

Here is a picture of our special boy… He was a well traveled, because of all the traveling we did… He loved ice cream and milk as well as spaghetti… He is leaving behind 3 sisters, Woogie, Star & Ahura as well as his Mommy & Daddy.. He is going to be missed…Mike & Lynn Ray



Percy captured our hearts as a young kitten that purred non-stop. He was our big boy that played catch while laying down, swatted at us around corners for fun, and pawed at our doors when he wanted company. We will miss his sweet chirp while watching the birds through the window, “Kitty Tv.”  Most of all we will miss our cuddly boy. Goodbye sweet Percy, you will forever be in our hearts and thoughts. 




~Her sweet light will always shine. -Ken Book


Pilgrim, you were the first and only dog that ever owned me.  Thank you for all the joy you brought to me and others, and for accepting and being friends to all the many cats with which you were surrounded.  I know you are totally free now, running and leaping endlessly.


Pixee was always the trouble maker. Just a little six pound bundle of defiance and stubbornness, but she was my little bundle. Digger had to wait eight months for his Pixee to show up, but now they’re together again.

Princess Imelda Felicity

Princess, now you are free to dance and eat all the chips you want. I will see you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.


Rambo was a dog full of spunk, love, cuddles, and adorableness.He was a father to 11 puppies and had 2 loving sisters and 2 brothers. We shared a bond of unconditional love for 18 years, as he was a constant in all of my major life changes. He brought me solace and laughter, and was loved by all in my family. Rest In Peace, Rambo.


~ Our dearest Ranger, You came to us as a rescue eleven years ago, a two year old little man who made himself at home. Our hearts were immediately filled with love for you. You were always the one that was everyone’s favorite…your tail wagging, bright little eyes asking to be held, stealth kisses that came the minute we weren’t on guard. You loved everyone and everyone loved you. Your little girl Savanna cries now because, Ranger was the one who always made me smile when I was sad. You brought so much love and happiness to our family and for that we are forever greatful. The night we rushed you to the emergency clinic, we weren’t prepared to hear how critical your condition was. As we held you, we knew that we couldn’t keep you with us any longer. Your other mom and I, and your boy Brandon are all so thankful that we were able to hold you in our arms as you peacefully left us to cross the Rainbow Bridge. I know your brother Bandit was there to greet you and how much he must have missed you, having gone ahead 18 months ago. Callie and Chance miss you now…they seem to know you won’t be coming home. Callie lingers near the kennel you used to retreat to and scratches the pillow; Chance walks around your spot on the bed before curling up there himself. I feel most empty at mealtime as I fill two bowls, the third sitting empty. I know you are at peace even as my heart aches to hold you just once more. I’m so thankful that I took this picture of you that very morning because you looked so peaceful and adorable. I had no way of knowing that just twelve hours later you would be gone. Rest peacefully my handsome boy.


~Ranger Taylor you have been a part of our family for 13 years. Ranger you were an awesome dad to your four daughters and one son. Ranger was a fighter who did not want to leave our family. Ranger we know you are in a better place with no pain. Ranger we are so sorry you had to suffer the last hours of your life, but you died in the arms of your family. We will miss your sweet and loving personality. We couldn’t have asked for a better ‘brother’. 
You always did what you were told. You were an AWESOME companion!!!


In memory of our Reba Girl. you are in our hearts forever, you will always be loved by your family and friends.


We miss you and love you very much,


Mommy & Daddy



Rocky (Hoo-ie) was born on July 4, 2006. I received him as a present while in High School. We called him hoo-ie most of the time because he was a Chihuahua, which somehow turned into calling him a chi-hoo-hoo, and then eventually hoo-ie. He was a sweet little boy who would let me do anything and everything to him. He loved to play with balls, bark at the people at the door, bark at people in house while hiding under the bed, throwing and tossing Skittles around for 5 minutes until he finally would eat it, and cuddling up with our Black Lab (his sister) Riley.

Rocky was a special dog for me. He saw me through my high school graduation, my college graduation, the beginning of my marriage, and the birth of my two children. Rocky will always be my first child, even if he was a dog.

Thank you Rocky for every smile, laugh, and silly thing you would do to comfort me when I was sad, upset, or angry. I will definitely miss you.

Have fun chasing the birds in Heaven, and barking at everything you can!

I love you and will miss you until we see each other again.

<3 Lauren


Rocky was a smart little girl.  She could shake hands, rollover and play dead, smile, dance and more.  She did have rules however; and would only roll over in grass or on a carpet.  Yes, we miss her.

Thank you,

Carol & Tony 


Rest In Peace. My little giant Roger, you are always puppy in my heart. I miss you so much. 




Sadie Girl Kelley

July 4, 2010 – June 1, 2020

Sadie’s sweet and gentle spirit brought light and love to everyone that she met.


~You were my other best friend; and quite a handful!!!  Such a loving and playful pup almost until the day you passed away.  I miss you every day.


We miss our sweet Samantha, and appreciate the loving care given by the staff at Cypress Falls Animal Hospital


Sasha was an angel. We always told her she was the pretty one. I lost her very unexpectedly, and it took some time to heal….but in her short life and untimely death, she taught me so much. I believe I am better for having loved her. She never minded her nickname, Sawsage Dawg, coined during her not so slim early days when I first adopted her. She loved everyone, and had one simple request….to be loved in return. She could snuggle with the best of ’em, and had a beautiful singing voice….her favorite song being Collide. You are missed so much. Sasha. I know you and your big sister, Peanut, are watching out for us down here. -Heather Thomas, DVM




Scotty was well loved by many people! He gave happiness and joy to our family. I shall always love him ~ S.B. Thomas


~Somehow words are inadequate to describe the fullness of Sevens presence in my life, and the emptiness he leaves behind.  The hollow in the curve of my arm at night where once he purred his rumbling sleep song, his ‘Seven-speak, reserved just for me.. I see him out of the corner of my eye, and joy wells up in me and in that moment he is with me.  I call his name only to remember he cannot answer me, and  my throat constricts, and he dies again.  We give these little beings, that are only lent to us, our whole hearts; knowing we will see them leave this life before us, knowing we will experience this loss, yet we do it joyfully, over and over again in our lives, for the whimsy, joy and love they bring us.  Thank you my Seven puss for being part of my life; I will never forget you. -Scotti Wilkinson


After almost 14 years of shining bright and walking with me on this journey, Shimmer went to the rainbow bridge. I am forever thankful for her lessons and love as well as the wonderful friendships she helped cultivate. Shimmer, thank you for being my best little dog ever. I promise to continue living life to the fullest just the way you showed me to. Love always, Marcella


Our beloved Shirley, our faithful friend,
and your love you shared till the very end.
For 11 years our family was blessed,
now it’s time for you to rest.
You still live on in the hearts and minds,
of the loving family you left behind.


Simon was THE gift to us. He is missed.



Spooky Watson

Stray Boy

We loved him very much and don’t think there will every be another laid back, friendly, people loving cat like him.  He was the greatest. 


Thank you for being my Mighty Dog and for 14 years of love and affection. I love and miss you.

Sugar Bear

Sugar Bear and I met while I was on patrol a little over ten years ago. I found her at the police station with a broken rope tied around her neck. I remember feeling so bad for her and I could see all her ribs. She was looking for food, and I fed her crackers from my hand. I knew when I first met her; I had to take her home. When I did, she gave nothing but love, laughs, gratitude, and comfort. She had the cutest little dance when she saw someone she loved. Sugar never stopped giving love and kisses, even in pain. And whenever someone came over for a visit, they fell in love with her. I miss her every day; I miss the way she wiggled, the way she comforted me, the way she would lay with her fur sister. I miss the joy she brought me daily; I know she’s in heaven giving kisses to others, just waiting on me. 

Thank you, Sugar Bear, for all these years of love. 


Taco was like an adopted child to us.  We adopted her at 8 weeks old from a pet shop off of Memorial Drive the last day of February 2000.  She came from a liter of 5 puppies and she was the one who came to me.  You couldn’t ask for a better companion in all this world.  She was house trained easily and she was always excited to see us arrive home.  I miss my darling baby so much.  She followed us everywhere we went.  Taco was playful even in her last years.  A part of us died when she departed this world.  Our heart holds a place for her that can never be replaced. 


A Tribute to Taco Scroggins


From: Howard H. Scroggins and Ronald L. Black



Our first “child” and loyal companion…Tay was loved by all who knew him. He was always happy and wagging his tail, he loved human food, chasing squirrels and deer, meeting you at the door when you came home, and riding and running beside the golf cart.  He was the ultimate beggar for attention and you couldn’t go anywhere without him. He was our constant loving and loyal companion and will forever hold a place in our hearts. We love you Tay, and miss you every day! 





My sweet Tippett, I lost you too soon.  You came into my life at just the right time and you made me whole again.  You will never know how much you meant to me and having you by my side for 5 1/2 years was the absolute best. I hope I did right by you and gave you the best life you could have had till the end.  I miss you every day. You will forever be in my heart and be my soul dog.  Until I see you again, be good baby boy.


We rescued Toby in 2011 and he was appropriately 5 years old at the time. He brought us so much joy and was the sweetest dog. He loved cool breezes and treats. We are grateful to have had his love for 13 years!


We had to let go of our precious Tony on March 26, 2021, after a blessed 18 1/2 years. Still, one thing I know for sure; true love never dies. I will miss my little handsome man. See you at the gate, love bug.


Tramp, Trampie, Trampolina…  

Such a big personality in a tiny body. He was the alpha of the house. The boss. He loved to be scratched anywhere. He loves chicken and scrambled eggs and cheese. And he loved his human, Justus and his fur brother, Diego. We love you little man. Little yellow dog…❤️


Trevor was one of the first kittens that I adopted when I went to college. He remained my baby for 16 years, and my life will never be the same. He slept on my pillow (except when he could be convinced to sleep on his own), curled up in my lap, and loved giving nose kisses. He always knew when I was upset and could be counted on to cheer me up (or just sit on my chest, whatever worked). He was the best big brother to Orion and Taelan and was always willing to put Kisses the puppy in her place. Our household isn’t the same without our old man and we will miss him terribly. Sleep well, sweet boy. Say hello to Jesse James and Orion for me.




If you are very very lucky, you might meet a dog like Willa, once in your lifetime. This girl was special. She knew so many words and phrases. She spoke to us with her beautiful eyes. We understood each other perfectly. Like any good friend does, she brought out the best in us. She made us happy and our lives rich. There are no human words to tell how much we love her and no words to describe our sorrow at her passing. 

I miss you so much my tiny sister! I have so much to tell you when we’re together again!


Wrangler Tuff Munchkin, when you left us last December, your energy scattered into endless light.  Every time I see twinkling lights, but most especially at Christmastime, I will think of you and know you are with me.  See you soon.



We rescued Zoe Kate from the Lonestar Boxer Rescue in May 2013.  She had been in the program for 18 months and was passed over.  I totally believe this is because she was destined to be our dog.  Zoe was kind, beautiful, funny, and loving.  We had many different nicknames for her and she was so smart she answered to all of them.  I entered her into the contest for Cypress Falls Animal Hospital’s website and she won!  She was one of the “cover models.”  She enjoyed walks and dressing up in her younger years, but as she became a senior, she loved to eat and sleep.  Zoe was a one-of-a-kind dog and we loved her with all of our heart & soul.  The morning of August 26th we had to relieve her of all of her pain and send her to the rainbow bridge.  The kind staff at CFAH were so compassionate and really made a difference for us that sad morning.  Until we meet again Zoe Kate…….


Our beloved,Zoe!  She is truly missed and will never be forgotten. Blessed to have had her as our companion for 15 years. 💕


Zoey Meek From Young Age To Old Age. Rest In Peace Zoey. We all love you and miss you lots.


Christmas is the time we are grateful for gifts – and Christmas eve, 2016, was a bittersweet moment, for this was the day that Zoey died. 

Zoey was a gift – a small, 10 lb. (at best) Princess of Pomerania, who persevered despite an enlarged heart, partially collapsed trachea, with attendant problems of breathing. At her last breath, I said, “Give me a kiss, Zoey” — and she licked my ear.

Zoey was a gift – who came to us when our niece passed away. Zoey, herself, was a rescue dog, who had not been at all treated well. But she had simple needs – to love and be loved, to eat, sleep and poop. And was she ever good at loving! She was much better than I, always standing near the door when she thought I should be home, greeting me with her tail wagging and ready to be hugged and kissed.

Zoey was one of God’s innocents – not as I, or we, but a true innocent. I cried as she was about to die, and stood, unashamedly sobbing in the hallway of the animal hospital as I held her still warm body. I refused to leave her, but delivered her to the hands of the vet.

Zoey was a truly unmerited gift, a Christmas gift – and I but wish I could love and freely and openly as she loved me…. I loved her and I shall miss her, greatly. But the gift she gave lives on…..


What's Next

  • 1

    Call us or schedule an appointment online.

  • 2

    Meet with a doctor for an initial exam.

  • 3

    Put a plan together for your pet.
